1939 Register of England & Wales
34,414,422 rekordów
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Szukaj w zbiorze: 1939 Register of England & Wales
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1939 Register of England & Wales
34 414 422 rekordów
Spis w Anglii i Walii z 1939 r. został przeprowadzony 29 września 1939 r. Dla każdego członka gospodarstwa domowego rejestr zawiera nazwisko i imię, płeć, adres, datę urodzenia, stan cywilny, miejsce zamieszkania i zawód. Rejestr ten jest ważnym, obok spisów powszechnych, źródłem danych dla genealogów i historyków rodziny. Cały spis Anglii i Walii z 1931 r. został zniszczony przez pożar, zaś w roku 1941 w ogóle nie przeprowadzono spisu ludności. To sprawia, że rejestr 1939 r. jest najbardziej kompletną listą ludności Anglii i Walii w latach 1921 - 1951*.<br><br>The 1939 Register was conducted in ways like a census and includes similar information. One important difference for genealogists is the full date of birth is recorded in the 1939 Register for each person whereas the traditional censuses conducted in England and Wales only records each person’s age.<br> <br>The information in this collection was gathered under the authority of the National Registration Act of 1939 – an emergency measure at the start of the Second World War. 65,000 enumerators delivered the forms ahead of the official registration day. On Friday, 29 September 1939 (National Registration Day) householders were required to record the requested information on the supplied forms. On the following Sunday and Monday local enumerators visited every household, checked and gathered the completed forms, and issued identity cards to each of the residents in the household.<br> <br>Of the 42 million individuals who are recorded in this collection, 6.9 million records remain closed due to privacy protection requirements, and about 700,000 additional records appear without full names. Records are closed for those individuals who were born less than 100 years ago unless matched to a registered death record. These closed records will be made public and added to this online collection on a yearly basis going forward.<br> <br>* The 1951 Census is closed until 2052.
Przykładowy rekord
Winston ChurchillWestminster, London, England
Churchill was a prominent British statesman, best known for serving as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom during World War II. He was a prolific writer and was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature, invested as a Knight of the Garter, and named an Honorary Citizen of the United States.