Extracts from the Pedigrees of James of Barrock
115 rekordów
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Szukaj w zbiorze: Extracts from the Pedigrees of James of Barrock
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Extracts from the Pedigrees of James of Barrock
115 rekordów
Extracts from the Pedigrees of James of Barrock. Containing the descent of the following families :- James, Ruston, Wrather, Beckwith, Ewart, Gott and De la Fontaine & Maury. Corrected as far as possible up to June 1913.<br><br> Compiled by H.E.M. James & W.A. James. Published in 1913. These extracts from a bulky volume of pedigrees of James of Barrock are bound separately as being of special interest to the Ruston family and its connections.
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