New Hampshire as It is, in Three Parts
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New Hampshire as It is, in Three Parts
608 rekordów
New Hampshire as It is, in Three Parts. Part I: A historical sketch of New Hampshire, from its first settlement to the adoption of the Federal Constitution in 1788. Part II: A Gazetteer of New Hampshire;<br><br> containing a particular description of the several towns, cities, villages, etc.; remarkable curiosities, mineral localities, statistical tables; also, the boundary and area of the state: a general view of the counties. Part III: A general view of New Hampshire; containing a description of its soil, productions, climate; its geological and mineralogical features; the principal mountains, lakes, and rivers; education and religion; biographical sketches of distinguished men; literary, scientific, and charitable associations; banks, railroads, newspapers, etc. Together with the Constitution of the State. 3rd Ed. Edwin A. Charlton. (1856).
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